Amerivent Model TLC Insulated Flue

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Product Information

Model TLC All-Fuel Chimney offers current technology in factory-built chimney design by providing superior performance, durability and safety.

TLC Chimney Length (cut-away view)
  • Embossed Coupler – Prevents moisture penetration
  • 304 Stainless Steel Inner Liner – High grade material heats up quickly to enhance draft
  • 304 Stainless Steel Outer Casing – Premium material prevents corrosion
  • Mineral Wool Insulation – Augured in for better insulating value to keep outside temperatures low for safety and inside temperatures high for performance
  • Premium Fiber Insulation – 100% mineral wool (no chlorides)
  • Twist-Lock connection – Easy assembly

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Enhanced Features

Model TLC is extremely corrosion-resistant. Both the inner liner and outer casings are constructed of 304 stainless steel. Embossed couplers do not allow moisture to penetrate the chimney’s outer wall. Sections simply twist-lock together and are secured with Locking Bands. The Model TLC product line features deluxe chimney support components that will enhance any installation. Black trims are used to embellish the chimney support component parts that may be installed inside the home.


All Model TLC supports are designed to carry four times the UL-listed weight of the listed height.


Sizes: 5″ to 14″ Inner Liner (Flue): Type 304 Series Stainless Steel; 0.016″ thickness Outer Casing: Type 304 Stainless Steel; 0.015″ thickness Insulation: The 1″ space between the inner/outerwalls is packed with mineral wool fiber insulation to provide superior insulating qualities in a slim-line design. Airspace Clearance to Combustibles: 2″

Certification & Applications

UL Listing (mark)Model TLC is safety-tested and listed to applicable UL safety standards for chimneys serving solid-fuel and liquid-fuel appliances. This includes UL 103.

This chimney system is designed for use on appliances that use solid, liquid or gas fuels under natural draft conditions.

Allowable flue gas temperatures are:

Type HT Non-HT Size 5″-8″ 10″-14″ Maximum Continuous 1000°F 1000°F Brief Forced Firing (1 hr.) 1400°F 1400°F Creosote Burn-Out (10 min.) 2100°F 1700°F