Direct Vent Reface Doors

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Renovate your Direct Vent fireplace with the DV ReFace. Visit Hechlers to see your options.

Beauty… Direct Vent gas fireplaces are a popular option in today’s home. They are an efficient source of heat, but many do not offer stylish door and screen options. Stoll’s DV ReFace Collection is the perfect solution to transform your standard “black box” into a showpiece.

Safety… Direct Vent fireplaces have sealed glass fronts that can become extremely hot. Our “snap on” magnetic installation makes it simple to keep loved ones and pets away from the hot surface of the fireplace. DV ReFace screens meet all ventilation requirements of the fireplace manufacturer.

Custom… Stoll doors and screens are custom made to fit each individual fireplace. Accent any decor with your choice of decorative door designs, finishes, and louver designs. For a more personal touch, order custom laser-cut scenes or designs of your own imagination.

ReImagine . ReDesign . ReFace

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